Offline concerts are making a strong comeback, is there still room for development in online concerts?

"I bought tickets for the Mayday Beijing concert on June 3, and booked a hotel in Beijing one month in advance." Recently, Song Yudeyi, who is ready to go to Beijing to watch the concert from Wenzhou, Zhejiang, said. During the epidemic, she and her friends have been "squatting" for online concerts. Recently, many singers have held offline concerts, and they have also "moved" to offline. After the strong return of offline concerts, do you still want to watch the online concerts that have attracted much attention in the past two years?

Since the beginning of this year, the offline performance market has ushered in a full recovery. According to the data monitoring of the performance ticketing information collection platform of the China Performance Industry Association, more than 1.1 million tickets were sold for concerts and concerts in the first quarter. Tickets for some large-scale concerts once again appeared to be "hard to get a ticket".

The popularity of offline concerts continues to soar, but online concerts seem a bit deserted at the moment. Online concerts have also been sought after. In 2020, Mayday "Suddenly Want to See You" became the first phenomenal hit concert, attracting more than 35 million people to watch online. Subsequently, Westlife Boys, Jay Chou and other singing groups and singers set new highs in the number of viewers many times through the re-screening of online concerts, and many people's circle of friends was swept up by online concerts for a while.

"The visual effects of the online concert are very good. The stage effects and close-up shots of the singer are all great. When I watch it, I will open the barrage, and I feel like interacting with netizens." Song Yudeyi said that during the epidemic, Many live performances press the pause button, and she, who can only watch online performances, wants to "go to the scene and feel the shock of the scene" more and more. "Now that there are offline concerts, I may pay less attention to online performances."

"Offline performances have constraints such as venue, time, and price. Online performances can just make up for their limitations and become a more efficient and convenient new form of viewing performances. Over the past three years, online performances have flourished, which has also prompted more fans to think about it. Go to the scene and experience it for yourself.” Professor Zhu Min, director of the Art Management Department of the School of Cultural Industry Management, Communication University of China, believes that online and offline performing arts will develop in parallel, complement each other, guide each other, and form a good interaction.

Talking about whether online concerts are still attractive, Zhang Kesen, a former publicity staff member of Modern Sky, said: "The experience that cannot be provided online for the time being is the biggest attraction of offline concerts, but this does not mean that online concerts There will be no room for development, and it will be completely replaced by offline concerts." In his view, if online concerts need to develop rapidly, they need to continuously innovate models, plan and launch unique rights and new gameplays for online users, and promote Online and offline linkage.

"Lately, the advancement of social organizations has been portrayed by circles, verticalization, and refinement. Circle clients who like a specific execution technique are steadily separating obstructions and leading social exercises between circles." Zhu Min brought up that web-based Shanghai Performing Expressions is in the ascendant nevertheless has business potential, and the benefit model can be investigated more. "On the web and disconnected clients are unique and covered. The use of man-made brainpower and different advancements will likewise bring fans more vivid encounters that were unbelievable previously. There is still space for advancement later on internet performing expressions market. "

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