Lebanese Foreign Minister Criticizes Some European and American Countries for Obstructing Lebanese Repatriation of Syrian Refugees

Lebanese Foreign Minister Habib criticized some European and American countries on the 7th for obstructing Lebanese repatriation of Syrian refugees, causing an unbearable heavy burden on Lebanon.

According to Lebanon's National News Agency, Habib said in a statement that the huge financial burden brought by Lebanon's hosting of a large number of Syrian refugees far exceeds the assistance provided by the international community, posing a major threat to Lebanon. He said that according to the World Bank's assessment in 2013, Lebanon spends about US$3 billion a year on hosting Syrian refugees, and the cost is now estimated to be as high as US$6 billion a year.

 Habib pointed out that some European and American countries have been hindering the work of repatriating Syrian refugees because they are worried that Syrian refugees may seek asylum in other countries after being repatriated. He hopes that the international community will respond positively to Lebanon's request to repatriate Syrian refugees.

 According to Lebanese media reports, in recent years, Lebanon has fallen into an economic crisis and is unable to continue to accommodate a large number of refugees, while the domestic situation in Syria can ensure that refugees return home safely. The Syrian government also said it welcomes refugees back home. However, some European and American countries and international organizations refuse to help Lebanon repatriate Syrian refugees under the pretext that the situation in Syria is not yet safe and that the human rights of the refugees will not be guaranteed after they return home.

 According to United Nations statistics, there are currently more than 1 million Syrian refugees stranded in Lebanon. Statistics from the Lebanese side show that there are about 1.5 million Syrian refugees stranded in the country.

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