Did Alien Creatures Turn RUSSiAN TROOPS Into STONE? | NASA,s UNEXPLAiNED Files | Pawer World News



scientists try to make sense of a recently declassified report of the deaths of twenty three russian troops instantly transformed into pillars of rock during a battle with what was claimed to be alieniling in creatures wielding a deadly weapon supposedly this energy source hook the biology of the person turned

them into a stone the whole thing was was witnessed by apple soldiers who were hiding behind trees and or thus unaffected by the deathra certainly something that could transmute living flesh into stone that quickly is beyond our experience according to the top secret report the petrified soldiers as well

as the wreckage of the craft that they shot down were taken into a secret laboratory outside moscow russian scientist determined they had been turned into a substance like limestone if could the kremlin now possess otherworldly weapon technology the russians would have laid claim to that wreckage and would have

reversed engineered weapons system but some analysts say there may be another explanation it's highly unlikely that the russians have discovered some kind of alien technology or materials you don't know if this is a cover story for some kind of weapon that they kgb might have been testing on their

own soldiers the kgb does have a history of either hurrying up certain events or perhaps misdirection or perhaps maybe exaggerate and change the facts of the story to keep the real events from actually being learned outside whatever the kgb is up to the cia cannot ignore reports of such

a strange and terrifying weapon what kind of weapon are they developing and what is it intended to do the most terrifying thing about a petrification weapon is we don't know how they'd be doing it we're going to ask the question can you turn a living being instantly into stone

i think it helps to go back and look at how the petrification that we know about functions fossilization is the most widely known process that turns organic matter into stone but as seemingly hard to weaponize as the transformation is in incredibly slow the natural process that we see occurs

over millions of years this is not a fast process at all but the report involves the transmutation happening almost instantaneously are there things that we could do though to speed up the petrification process and make it happen on a more human timecale instead of millions of years scientists in

washington state have made a breakthro

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