12 TERRiFYiNG Newly DiSCOVERED Species


You'll have amazing luck for the rest of the week for over 250 years scientists have discovered and classified nearly 1.2 million plant and animal species however this is Never Enough experts say there's still a shocking number of species yet to be identified without waiting for every creature to be uncovered at once we celebrate the ones available here are 10 terrifying newly discovered species let's do this.

 Bandy snake 

Bandy snake decorated in black and white stripes the Bandy Bandy snake is one of Australia's most iconic reptiles it's commonly found in Woodlands in Northern and Western Australia all six species have similar colors and patterns they're named after their behavior of tossing from side to side while in motion their behavior is similar to that of black and white striped zebras like humans and zebras these creatures have a unique number and thickness of Stripes unlike the taipan or King ground snake they're less deadly however you don't want to know what happens when you get too close they scare Predators by raising their bodies and presenting a provocative silhouette before choosing the safest exit their venom is more potent in reptiles than it is in mammals these fairly new species are favorites to many scientists as there's still a lot to know about them experts are scared since most of this creature's habitat is destroyed by mining they ask that these species be granted protection status to protect them in the future brittle star also called The Serpent star the brittle star is any of the 2100 living species of marine invertebrate under the subclass afroyodia it boasts a long thin arm that's forked and spiny this body part is distinct from the rest of its disshaped body.

These Arms break off easily but regrow almost immediately each arm branches multiple times and measures up to one meter across Brill stars live deep in the water far from Human Interruption they also hide on crevices and rocks during the day an emergent night to feed this creature has five teeth and two feet serving as an organ for detecting light and odor it feeds by extending one or more arms over the mud While others serve as anchors while they feed mainly on Plankton they sometimes trap sizable animals the Sexes of brittle stars are separate in most species but others are hermaphroditic they attain sexual maturity after two years after which they've become fully grown in three or four years reticulated siren a team of researchers recently discovered a new salamander species in Alabama and the Panhandle region of Florida the reticulated siren is an unusual species with large external gills and only front limbs scientists believe the animal branched off from other salamanders early in its Evolution although there were sirens in South America North America and Africa during the Cretaceous Period the family is now restricted to the Southern United States and Northern Mexico this new species lives in Shallow freshwater Marsh located in Lake Jackson it's genetically distinct from known species and subspecies of science it's large and measures nearly 24 inches making it among the largest vertebrae in the U.S it parades itself as the First new siren species to be described in 44 years scientists are still curious and excited about the species it reminds them that there's still a lot to be done zombie frog thanks to Ernest we know of rare amphibians that have been hiding for years he spent two years in the Amazon rainforest in Guyana for his field work his aim was to investigate the impact of human-caused loss of biodiversity by examining amphibians one of those days.

 In the forest he found a strange frog he was curious to know about the creature so he joined forces with International researchers to learn more about it little was known about the Frog except that they were found in remote places it's medium brown on top and light brown on the bottom it also has unique orange spots on its skin the yellow ovaries are transparent and males emit advertisement calls from underground tunnels it was during one of those calls that Ernest found the creature scientists are yet to discover its mode of reproduction however they speculate it's similar to others synapse Uranus frogs aruguayan dolphin the Uruguayan river dolphin is a South America species native to the Uruguay takanas Basin of Brazil members of this species are great to Pink and measure between 1.53 and 2.6 meters long rather than a fin they have a dorsal wrench like other

Dolphins they have a prominent forehead but a longer snout than other Marine Dolphins because their aquatic environment is turbid their vision isn't well developed therefore they're less active than Marine Dolphins feeding is aided by echolocation scientists say the estimated population for this species is 600 to 1 500 individuals the largest number of this species is found in kental Park Housing most of the lakes in Agua Basin unfortunately commercial fishermen kill them because they sometimes steal fish from their nests shooting and poisoning are also common even in protected areas their numbers keep declining due to agriculture industrial and ranching activities around their habitat the iucn classifies them as vulnerable mindoro Fang frog scientists haven't covered a new frog species in the Philippines called a freaky fanged frog the cryptic creature hid in plain sight in front of biologists for many years it was officially called the mindoro fanged frog in honor of where it lives this animal had been around for over a century.

But resembled a species of fanged frog as a result it was mistaken from the Fang frog researchers now realize that it has a different mating call genetic analysis confirmed that while both species are related they're distinct scientists say they were separated for at least two to six million years mindoro frogs live in streams and have fangs inside their mouth these fangs are used to fight over mating sites and defend themselves against their predators unfortunately this frog is sometimes haunted by humans for food thus reducing their population their wary of us so they hide when they hear us who would blame them.

Jonah's mouse lemur 

Jonah's mouse lemur is a newly discovered species in northeastern Madagascar it's named in honor of Professor Jonah rapsimbassy a malagasy primatologist this creature has tiny ears with huge eyes and a distinct white stripe between the eyes it has short dense fur with white and yellowish nuances it measures 13 centimeters long and weighs around 60 grams although it doesn't look different from the regular viewers its differences are in its genetic pattern a team of researchers headed by Professor Jonah officially declared its existence the discovery happened during a field trip in the north manonara national park on the northeastern coast of Madagascar it took him over 10 years to prove that the animal was a different.

Lemur species they found three specimens during a study but realized it was insufficient to conclude they continued with their research to better understand its lineage unfortunately scientists are concerned about the fate of the new lemur It suffers from habitat loss hunting and deformed station they're an unprotected species thus making them more susceptible to Danger.

what's the point of discovering new species if they'll disappear tomorrow as more animal species are uncovered conservationists must do their best to preserve them ancient panda while we know about only one Panda and species today many species once roamed Asia and Europe because they seem extinct we're only familiar with the species in Central China researchers have uncovered another set of ancient bears that lived in Bulgaria around 6 million years ago little is known about this ancient Panda but its teeth have helped scientists understand the more analysis shows that one of the two teeth discovered belonged to Europe's last black and white Bears studies provide new insight into the panda including its preferred veggies and their past range authors say two of the teeth suggest that the animal originated in Asia but found its way to Europe the ancient pandas teeth were collected in Northwestern Bulgaria in the 1970s it was kept at the Bulgarian national museum of natural history for 50 years it took Sciences this long to realize that the species belonged to an unknown fossil giant panda the teeth also suggested that this ancient species stood a similar size to present-day pandas the animal may have gone extinct thanks to the increasingly dry conditions changing in climate and limited food source.



sheetweavers are tiny spiders measuring one centimeter long they have eight eyes that help them construct webs close to the ground Forest dwelling species construct webs on trees using needles or leaves as a port this spider is found in the northern hemisphere but many people don't know about it because it's so tiny the sheetweaver's webs aren't tidy spirals but Tangled networks of silken threads arranged in a 3D mass or 2D sheet their web captures their prey by tangling it or allowing them to find their prey by vibrations in the web most sheet Weavers live for only one year and some for a few months eggs are laid on silken sacks in the web or Leaf litter on the ground the eggs vary from few to a dozen in a single sack like most spider species these Weavers shed their outer skin to grow some species lay ages and mate throughout the year While others are more discreet with mating these spiders are common arthropod predators in crop Fields luckily they are not considered pests and don't bite people they feed on other pests like Leaf.

Hoppers and aphids glass frog 

The glass frog is about the size of a marshmallow this unique species spends its day sleeping on bright green leaves in the tropics it changes its form to become transparent while disguising itself on a leaf to escape Predators if you turn these frogs over you can watch their Beating Heart in fact you can see most of its organs dangling inside its body scientists were curious to know how this amphibian achieved this they measured the animal's opacity by shining different wavelengths of light on the animal while it's left they realize the frogs pulled blood into their liver without triggering a massive clot about 89 percent of the animal's blood cells became packed together allowing it to be transparent when it wants to hunt or mate at night it releases the red blood cells back into circulation and the liver shrinks again the ability to pool and clot blood is this animal's superpower researchers believe this Revelation opens doors to a better understanding of blood blocking in most animals pulling blood together results in life threatening blood clot in humans it leads to a heart attack.

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